Abrasives Gesswein offers thousands of abrasives for precision work including Gesswein Finishing Stones, the world's most recognized brand.
Abrasive bands and cartridge rolls for finishing curved surfaces, holes, radii, inside rings, and more.
Abrasive "floss" for cleaning & polishing small holes.
High grade silicon carbide and aluminum oxide in grain form. Pumice powder.
Natural Novaculite, excellent for sharpening gravers, chisels, knives and other fine cutting edges.
Made of long ceramic fibers that will not break or dull, even under the most strenuous conditions or dressed to a very fine point. Use on stainless steel, copper, aluminum, alloys, silicon, magnetic materials and plastics
Premium-quality silicon carbide wheels and points. Ideal for a broad range of light deburring, smoothing, cleaning and polishing applications on all metals.
Cut-off and separating discs.
Diamond points, bands, discs, film, burs, cutters, belts, and Gesswein's oil and water soluble diamond compounds.
For dressing, shaping, and truing grinding wheels and points.
Fiber wheels and pads for light deburring or satin finishing. 3M® Scotch-Brite, Beartex® and Unitized wheels and discs. Satin Finish Buffs.
Gesswein — the world's most recognized finishing stone. Die- maker, Moldmaker, EDM, Oil-Treated, Pencil, RA, Rough Out, GP, Premium White, Super Fine, Ultra-Soft, & White Polishing.
Made of aluminum oxide abrasive in either resin-bonded cloth or fiber bond. Ideal for removing surface imperfections and parting lines from castings.
Aluminum oxide abrasive in a unique composite of laminated cotton fiber in a rubber bond (GMX) or a firmer resin bond (G-Flex).
3M and Norton brand grinding wheels for fast metal removal, light grinding, and deburring. Deburring and deflashing tools.
Fast cutting aluminum oxide abrasive in a variety of shapes, prefilled with oil. Ideal for sharpening chisels, gravers, knives and precision tools.
Wheels, Discs, and Belts for the MAX 24 and MAX 30 and the MINI MAX polishing machines.
Superior quality stones made of aluminum oxide bonded with porcelain-type clays, which provide the greatest strength and rigdity required for fast stock oxide abrasive grains.
Radial Bristle Discs are amazing. Impregnated with high quality abrasive so no compounds are required. Long lasting, effective and efficient, these are one of our most popular abrasives.
Square & knife edge wheels, bullets, cylinders, and points from 3M®, Edenta, Brightboy, Dedeco®, Silipum, Rugi, and more. Pumice wheels.
Pure synthetic ruby with no bonding material, extremely hard & wear-resistant. Use to touch up, dress, or debur hardened steel & carbide and glass, quartz & porcelain.
Sheets, strips and discs, including Moore's Discs. Sandpaper belts and belt sticks.
Arkansas, Ruby, India and Crystolon stones.